Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A Sad Day and A New Day

Yesterday was a sad day...a family friend...my godbrother...who I grew up with...playing ball...tossling around...enjoying our kid days...was gunned down outside a bank while trying to make a deposit... shot twice in the back...at 11:30 am...And astute businessman...with three successful businesses...He was an upwardly mobile, progessive and forward thinking, damn good looking brother...with a wife and kids...three of whom are away in college...

The screams yesterday...the tears...the sadness of death...spilled forth like a cup runneth over...my emotions varied from hot to cold...I was numb at one point...Oh this life...how fragile it is...and we waste time disparaging others...with feelings of envy...instead of living our lives to the fullest...enjoying what "we" have...the person (s) that shot him...didn't just take him...they took away a father, brother, son, nephew, cousin, godfather and a friend...

"Joy cometh in the morning" --today, is a new day...a day in which I try to find solace within and not hate...it's a challenge right now as I seek joy in this am listening to "Now Behold the Lamb...the Precious Lamb of God" I'm just sitting here thinking this may be my last time writing for destiny and fate time limit orders come from above...my brothers and sisters in blogsphere ...lets work on building positive personal characters and not let others define who "we" are...live life and bring others along whom you can help...discover the joy of just waking up in the morning and taking that first realized breath... create your moments...and not let your moments create you...

"In attempts to improve your character, know what is in your power and what is beyond it." - Francis Thompson

Friday, February 24, 2006

There's Hope....

"Hope is a waking dream." - Aristotle

Aristotle said it well...hope is a waking dream...There's hope each day for us all...this morning I awoken to hope... for me and my son...As I start my day...and this weekend...I only hope for all things good...and health...

This week has been rough but I made it...it's Friday and the draft of night has soaked the ground and made it wet...but...it's still a beautiful early morn...clean crisp air...so refreshing as I breathe in standing outside the back door sipping on some Lipton's....and thinking about all the good things in my life to this point...it's been a journey...and my destiny is still evolving...My waking dreams are still filled with hope...

Today, I leave you with a small snipit...from the unpublish/pending first book....

He was in his mid to late twenties, slim and short for the average man with long finger nails. I was considered legal...When Father Roger was away I was the lay person that he depended at times to do things for him. One evening at the rectory the visiting priest cornered me in the kitchen as I was washing the few dishes there that we ate out of. He came up behind me and placed both of his hands around me gripping onto the sink and started rubbing his genitals on me. I felt his dick grow in thickness as it protruded through his shorts as his nails scraped along the tin of the sink. From the feel of it, it seemed big. I jerked back and turned around all in one motion catching him off guard. We were about the same height maybe I was bit taller. As I looked in his face and returned the stare he whipped his big uncut dick from his shorts. The expression on my face must have said it all. I was mesmerized by the size and my blood started to race. He took my hands and placed it around the thickness of his shaft. He took my other hand and without saying a word guided me upstairs to the guest bedroom facing west overlooking the school yard where he was staying and sat on the bed. He asked me if I wanted to taste it, I was still looking at it, it was so big all around. I did not answer and yet I did not move away. I knelt down and began to suck on it and all of a sudden the head of his dick popped out of its protective extra skin. I must have been giving him good head because it wasn’t even five minutes he exploded gushing a geyser all over my shirt. After wiping his ejaculation off of my shirt, he thanked me, led me to the door and said good night. On Sunday, as he conducted mass I looked at him and felt a shame cross over me. My eyes connected with his and it was like he did not see. His face and eyes were expressionless. I never took communion from him ever again. The last I heard, the bishop had heard of his down low dealings with young boys of a certain parish and beyond in Trinidad and promptly removed the priest from the parish setting altogether.

Enjoy your weekend and be safe....

Thursday, February 23, 2006

OBITUARY: The Sad Passing of Common Sense

It's another day...with new discoveries yet to be uncovered...I'm departing from my usual lamentations today to support and encourage a brother... listen up...by happen chance a friend informed me after seeing my blog...that he too writes...but never discussed or shared his literary talents with me before...to say I was amaze is an understatement....after reading his work...the brother can write...you know our talents are to be shared not hidden...we need more of us to inspire us...to achieve...I invited him to blog...do his thing...do a book as a training tool...as this particular writing I'm sharing with you today with his permission of course can certainly do wonders in the common sense department...you know common sense isn't to common....LOL

Without further adue...enjoy refreshingly...from the writings of Paul Tate:

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, life isn't always fair, and maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job they failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer Panadol, sun lotion or a sticky plaster to a student; but, could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar can sue you for assault. Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by three stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else is to Blame, and I'm A Victim. Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.

"A man of genius is privileged only as far as he is genius. His dullness is as insupportable as any other dullness." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Still Sin...

It's another morning...I'm privilege to share with blogsphere...and Smokey Norful "I Need You" is playing on the CD...I really can not decide what to write about...so I'm sitting here just mediating about this and that (includes thoughts of Lexus Decatur)...I'm smiling...it's a good thought for a very special person...while listening to this powerful and blessed display of talent telling me to heed the master as "we" and "I" need him...and the thought of "sin" came to me...It amazes me how "we" equate sin as a people...even thought for the most part we know or should know by now...that sin is sin...period...sin has no preference for creed, race, color...or profession!

I was reading MrRrofessorGQ's blog last night...and it was quite interesting the different views on Mr. Walker's ... walk with God and being true to his feelings and him...I too have my take but you know it's not important...what's important is that we are all fallible and our moment in time when we're humbled before all and sundry cometh... if not already...and what actions do we expect from people...It's a difficult time for him and his family...so let's just pray that God can intervene and heal some wounds.

Another thought came to mind...having an affair/fling with a priest/pastor...is it wrong...are there boundaries for love...I'm guilty of that transgression then...if you deemed it wrong to do so...I've touched more than the hem of his garment...and I make no apology for it...I think it's how we equate "the man" or how we equate "his position or station in life"...after my first time with the so called forbidden fruit...I wrote this words...titled "Sin":

It is hard to decipher
between want and desire.
So, is it between a red apple
and a green one.
Lust has no conscience.
Sexuality has no breed.
Fulfillness has but one opportunity,
when the apple appears edible.
The grey matter swirls---the fever rises.
We climb mountains then grasp for breath.
A brief repose, the appetite atoned for.
The apple is still there---but---
only this time,

taken from the thoughts of DA

Fear...because I had doubts....not about what happened...about what my friends called perceived boundaries...there are people you date and then again...there are people that are off limits...and priests/pastors are of the latter...It took me awhile before I came to grips about what "my" decision or take was on the situation...I chose to equate each man as a man and on those merits only...selfish you may say...but that's me...not you...I dated up dating another pastor in the ATL for a spell...

“Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Young and F**K up

I picked up another brand of tea yesterday...called Passion...it has a healthy selection of teas...so I made an investment... this a.m. I'm sipping on strawberry delight...the word passion got my attention yesterday...talk about needing a lil sum sum right now is an understatement...but I'm a good Catholic and such thoughts reminded me...I needed to say my morning prayers...

Why do we (me included) as a people...say things to one another...that cut us like a knife...wounding us deeply. Growing up my parents told us that words are just that... words and you should not allow anyone to hurt you with their words...back then I didn't understand their advice until I grew older and became involved in the pageant business...the perceived connotations of being in that business ..it's like creative professionals can only be gay...then the assumptions began...and the name calling began...and at one point...I was alone...really alone one day with my thoughts, with my insecurities, still living a lie trying to make my family happy, trying to fight urges...how long could I put up this act...being someone that I really wasn't...but still in the same body...I was trapped...I remained trapped by me...doing the same thing day in and day out...pleasing who...not me...why?...I was a total wreck...

Besides this day...there was only one other time when I was fifteen...and was going through some serious scenarios with my father...an abusive alcholic...and I was at my lowest...and penned these words...back then I showed it to my priest whom I trusted with my thoughts...he could not believe I wrote these words so young...:

Life and growing up never turned out how I dreamt and fantasized about it.
Life took on an unexpected turns in the midst of my youth and dealt out disastrous blows.
But... as each day goes by,
I’ve learned to have patience and to cope with life’s constant problems
brought on by my selfish ignorance of not evaluating and looking into the future.
There is one thing one has to live with for the rest of his natural life the consequences,
he must bear or suffer for all his actions.
Regrets are many, results few and still,
life’s a constant cycle repeating itself.

I look at these words even today and wonder...how close my life for a long time was patterned around these words...it came a point at twenty-seven...when courage had nothing to with pride...when pride had nothing to do with others but me...I let go off all harbored thoughts and feelings of others...I always lived for others and not me ...it was time to break that constant cycle... and so... began the process to find me...the evolution of me has brought me to a place now where...words don't affect me...where I am the most important thing to me...I am in a good place...comfortable and free to discover life possibilites as me...

"When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves." - Confucius

Monday, February 20, 2006


I am—who I am—today because of past experiences. When I take stock of those experiences…I’ve come to realized that I’ve had a rich and blessed life…the result of my choices have left me with…quite a few emotional scars…one or two regrets…and…a whole lot of memories. This just got me thinking … I wrote a poem about memories…I’m looking for it as I write…it was a sad time in my life…it was January …on the anniversary of my grandmother’s death…the month of January is very significant in my life…not only is it the birthday month for mama and me…but it’s a month that both my grandparents died and was buried…wait a minute… I found it ….have a read:

Take your memories,
bottled them in your heart,
treasure them each day,
for they are nurtured in love.

Take your memories,
as death has no boundaries,
which love does not conquer.

Take your memories,
which lie within the depths of your soul,
claim them for they are...yours.

Copyright ©2006 DA

It’s funny though…I titled the poem “B”…at the time I couldn’t find an appropriate title that I liked…so … I titled it just “B”… the first initial of someone special back then…who lifted my spirits…and made me smile.

The sermon yesterday was on repentance and forgiveness…two actions I need to do more of...by no stretch of the imagination am I perfect…I’m no angel…but yesterday got me thinking about memories and all those folk out there that I’ve come in contact with…those I’ve wronged … those that wronged me…so I said a special Our Father and Hail Mary…and asked God to help me as I move forward to always be honest and sincere with my interactions…with folk.

A love interest in DC once told me…I was young in the life then and he was a seasoned player….that I’m a very nice and lovable person…confused and yet still yearning for life…and then he said something so profound that it took me years to figure it out…I’m letting you go out of my life so that you can find yourself…your not ready to embrace true loveHe said I was shallow-- void of love right now…and couldn’t see how deeply he loved and cared for me…he was not about to be taken for granted and advantage of…I told him I was in love…but he knew and I knew that was not so…my excitement thrived on the hunt back then…

At the time I didn’t know it and couldn’t see it…I was immature in love and life…frivolous in fact…but he did the best thing in the world for me…he set me free to experience life…Today, I thank him…my true friend…I’m grateful to have him in my life…he’s always been there for me…either by phone or email…When I think about him…he remains a mystery somewhat to me…all these years he still loves me and has always pointed me in the right direction and gave me sound advice through all my testaments…I know he reads my blog…so today…I want you to know I appreciate and I’m blessed to have you in my life…Ptate…your one of my memories I truly treasure…

Sunday, February 19, 2006

No More..

No more will I rely,
on the stars of night in the humid summer.

No more will I dwell,
on the warmth of winter for passion

No more reality afterwards
and comtemplation later.

How can I say, when emotions
have their way.
No more will...
consequences of tomorrow be my guide.

But the faith of the Almighty be the
strength of my weakness and the hope for my
-- child.

Copyright ©2006 DA

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Snow Princess II

I got home around seven in the morning after exchanging numbers…feeling good about this thing…not tired at all…and not sleepy…my mind was racing with so many thoughts…so many questions….so many assumptions …about this and that…so much so...I had to tell myself to put the brakes on…I wrote the events in my diary under November 24…

I connected Garfi and Cousin up on a three way convo….to let him know I was safe and at home after listening to... two messages from him and one from Cousin… all they really wanted to know if I did the do…I assured them that it was nothing like that…and then Garfi – the purveyor of the goods on gay men in the islands -- gave me the dirty—dirty… run down on snow man. Apparently…he’s rich, dates young black boys …if he’s in a relationship with you…he likes to keep his man "kept"…you stay at home and not work…for he likes access to you at all times...Garfi tells me that I don’t fit his usual mold…as I don’t give that much control to anyone…let alone a boyfriend…we all laughed.

Snow man called at four in the afternoon to invite me out to dinner at a place of my choice…so I told him I’ll meet him at Columbus Tavern…over the bridge to the resort island. It’s an exclusive Mecca for rich boating patrons…the slips are filled with luxury liners and plus I like the atmosphere…the restaurant sits over looking an inlet into the island…it's one of the seven wonders at sunset...We had a great dinner and great conversation…amidst the stares of the local patrons…we were both well known in the islands…he knew more about me than I of him…apparently he did his homework…I did mine…at the end of dinner we casually strolled over to the nearby casino at the Dragons bar for after dinner drinks and more convo…it was there he told me point blankly…that he would like to pursue "us" seriously…I choked…for I wanted to laugh really…I said to myself…he must be kidding to think that I would give up my job…my good job…to be a kept man…now the idea was amusing…but this negro wasn’t about to become another statistic…on the employment line!

After I collected myself…I told him we should take it slow and see where it goes from here…I was in no way giving up my freedom…I took the opportunity to talk and stress about how much I loved my job…I’m a senior buyer for the men’s division for a huge local retailer…and I traveled quite frequently…in addition to running the local beauty pageant…that also required me to travel.

On my way home…I stopped by good sister…Garfi… and relayed the events…he told me that I handled it well but now snow man will turn up the charm cause I’m a challenge…and I should beware…Of course you know…homeboy was no spring chicken…and if snow man knew better he would run far away from him…

Monday…he called me at the office to say good morning…around two I got two dozen yellow roses (my favorites) with a card inviting me out to dinner…at my favorite Italian restaurant in the west…

Tuesday… I left the island for Panama via Miami…he called that morning…to wish me a safe flight and asked when would I be returning…I told him I was staying over in Ft. Lauderdale on my return for the weekend…and I gave him my united states cell number

Saturday…my cell rings, it’s him…he’s in the Ft. Lauderdale…and he wants me to check out of my hotel…and come over to his condo at the Breakers on Ocean Drive. Now snow man knows how to impress…Garfi told me to beware…I checked out and he was downstairs…

Saturday and Sunday were two good and memorable days…did a little shopping…a whole lot of fine dinning…the movies…the beach…and attended a fashion show for evening gowns on Las Olas…(I was checking out gowns for our rep for Miss World). There were a few occasions where the kissing got intense but I begged off and told him that I wasn’t ready…it was too soon…I had already made up my mind that it would be no sex…until after a month…it would be Christmas Eve…if he lasted that long….I smiled to myself.

I saw him every night the next week upon our return…I must admit I like being showered with gifts here and there…at the end of the third week…I received a federal express package from him and in it was a check for five thousand dollars and a note… to do what I felt like with it …he was in love and so on and on…and as a token of his appreciation…this was an early Christmas gift…I didn’t know how to take it…so you know I called my sisters…Garfi…said take it…Cousin said everything comes with a price and it’s not free…be careful…so I called my brother and he picked me up…I showed him the check and told him to look at the name of the sender…he was shocked…that’s how I came out to him…so I told him the story…and he asked me how I felt about snow man…I told him I liked him but was not in love with him…so he said it’s a pre-Christmas gift …it’s your decision…but if it was his…he would take it…it was a gift…I took it and deposited it…

As Christmas was fifteen days away…I decided to use the money on him…in our conversations he mentioned that none of his lovers ever bought him a gift as it was him who always did the buying…I pulled out my creative book in my mind and went to work…I checked out his condo and got real cozy with his secretary and put my plan---twelve gift giving days of Christmas--- into action…eleven days before Christmas he would receive a gift…in different places at different times…when he least expected it…each gift came with a card…signed by me…wishing him Merry Xmas…it worked and he was surprised and amazed how I could get into his office at all and leave a gift on his desk…with his favorite brand of coffee already brewed….or as he was leaving work for the airport receive a package by DHL … or a gift on his bed when he got home…or a gift delivered by his best friend (who I knew didn’t like me…it was all apart of my plan to divide and conquer)….a gift left on the front seat of his Mercedes…or a gift delivered by one of his staff members while he was eating lunch…it was all too much for him…and each time he would call and thank me profusely…saying that he has to watch out for me…now his friends were impressed by this…although they did not like me…they were jealous bitches just waiting in the trenches to cut me down...they didn’t like the fact that he was dating me…a so-called snobbish bitch…all in all he got eleven gifts up until Christmas eve…and then the twelve gift was given to him at 12:01 am on Christmas morning…I came out of the bathroom in a white robe and said to him let’s go in the bedroom … I release the robe and then he saw his twelfth gift with a red bow wrapped on it…Merry Xmas I said…and with that we consummated our relationship intimately…

That morning our relationship status changed…I would now be forever called a Snow Princess...

Friday, February 17, 2006

Snow Princess

To all my fellow bloggers and avid readers of blogs ….it’s Friday…the weekend is upon us yet again…I’m traveling after work to the second city…getting out to see my son play b-ball and participate in track and field at an Anglican triangular schools annual gathering…the pre-dawn is shaping up quite fine…there’s something to be said about the stillness of nature in the dark of night…so I’m sitting here at the computer…listening to Praise is What I Do…smiling…feeling soooo good…sipping yet another change…in tea selections…Twinings “Fruit & Herbal Infusions”…you should try it one day…it’s so damn good I’m making me --- another helping after this…mmmm…Lexus Decatur called late into the night…they certainly know how to surprise me…it was special…they’re special and they know it…

As usual on Fridays…I leave you with a short story…so when you’re bored on the weekend and have nothing else to do…hit blogsphere…it’s certainly entertaining…

He was sitting at the bar at the usual hangout for g-boys …it was Saturday…co-ed night at the Species and the place was jumping and the music pumping…one could sense a sexual tension and excitement in the air as the boys continue to pile in taking up every square footage…with anticipation of seeing porn stars Bobby Blake and Flex perform for the first time in this island spot. Cousin and me walked into the joint and as we did…he caught my eyes with his …and gestured for me to come over…my best friend Garfi…didn’t miss that exchange and as I paid my respects to him…he whispered that my hands would be full tonight…with a sly grin.

I obliged his invitation and walked over to him at the bar stopping just twice along the way to say hello to some friends out for tonight festivities…not often do we get to see naked men…let alone porn stars…strut their stuff in front of us…it’s like a holiday for the g-boys…instead of going away to see big dicks swing in your face…men are here this time…right at home…and it was not even a holiday…

Sitting in the corner of the dimly lit bar…we chatted a bit about ex lovers…the whole nine yards and then some…fact was we haven’t seen each other for five years…since we initially met…it was at a dinner party and both of us were happily hitched…it was one of those fatal yet off limits electricity type attractions that individually blossomed over the years unknown to either of us…he thought about me…I thought about him…that kind of unknown delayed karma…so us meeting for the first time tonight since the dinner party set off some electrical sparks…the kind that charges your whole being and you find the hair on your arms standing to attention…

He was ever the consummate gentleman, polish in manners, intelligent in thought and polite in conversation…a man of his experience and means knows how and when to flirt and be respectful…but caution was thrown to the wind…for he knew what he wanted and it was just a matter of when…and he didn’t hesitate to say so. He opened a tab…and I ordered my flirting drink…Tang query and tonic with two cubes of ice with a lemon wedge…Garfi and Cousin looked over and shook their heads for they knew I was getting into my element of the “game”….and he would be putty in my hands….before the night is out…little did they know…it was the complete opposite…

Many g-boys fantasies consists of being with this type man…and then again…it’s taboo for some others…and some find it absolutely repugnant-- but me…no…I embrace people…I’m one of those testimonies with tests kind of person…there’s knowledge in experience…no matter how much it may say or not say to the naysayers…he’s a great guy with a adequate measure of humor, cute but a bit short…but his pockets were heavy and that made up for his shortcomings…change is good sometimes…

Just as the hunks of flesh show was about to begin…he said lets get out of here…it was fine with me…as I had seen Bobby Blake in Brooklyn this past summer in New York…at Pride…he stayed at the same hotel and on the same floor as Cousin and I….so I had had my up close and personal…besides that… all I had to do was push in a tape…

We left…drove to Orange Hill beach...parked…talked…and watch the moonlight cast its shadow on the stillness of the ocean …talked some more…flirted some more and at the break of dawn he kissed me…it was tender…wanting…and riveting as this closeness between he and me was special…

It would be more than just one night….

Part II...the next installment coming soon...to blogsphere...

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Treasure Box

It's red rose tea day....I decided to give another brand a chance...lol...it has a smooth flavor on the palette....I'm listening to a song that I really don't know the name of but I think the name of it is "Allabaster Box"....I could be wrong...hopefully an adept musically inclined new friend of mine will correct me...This song got me thinking about what I treasured most...what's in my treasure box...

For me...my greatest treasure is my son...he's the one good thing in my life...just watching him mature into a young man...is my inspiration to continue being me for him...my mom is my next treasure but my greatest resource...even though after three days with her could tire you out...lol...and then I have some dear friends...whom I treasure...for their individual qualities sustains me everyday when the phone rings and I hear "hello"....But above all...I look beyond the skies... and there... my true treasure lies...God...he gives me breath and life each day so I could spend this time with all my treasures and you...

Okay...now time for a 360 on another note....lol...There's a certain element of richness and goodness in change....we just have to embrace it...Ever since my split with my partner...I've met some wonderful people...some the dating kind...some that can only be friends...and then some booty calls ones....without even actively pursuing a relationship or putting myself on the market...but that's life. I've even met some new fellow bloggers....one in particular...whom I find very interesting actually... and would rate very high on my list if I was on the market in that way...but then that's the nature of things...when we least expect it...the door opens...opens...and again open.

As I sit here in the vestige of the dark sky preparing for the break of dawn writing these thoughts...my mind is churning for I know not what to say or where to begin...so I'm just going to write about a treasure I just found...even though... it exists only in my mind...I know 'my prince' exists in reality...

I've met someone...in the aftermath of my trials...
whose tolerant and nice...consistent and so far honest...
someone with a slow hand to let me be....to find me back again....
Someone who cares and concern about my fears.
It's a nice feeling to know that there's beauty in life still.
For when he rests his head in my lap and looks at me with his eyes....
I see the window to his soul and his unanswered questions.
The warmth emanating from his presence assures me somewhat
For even though we're just friends....the possibility exists...

I leave you with this quote for the day.....

"There is no remedy for love but to love more." - Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Express Yourself

Sipping on my steam hot Lipton's Yellow Label tea...and listening to "Precious Lamb of God"....I'm reflecting on yesterday and yesteryear in the stillness of the early morn...V-Day is over and it's all said and done now...it's another day--a brand new day... and do we still capture the spirit of yesterday...does life continue with those same special feelings...special preparations...the cards...the chocolates...not just the ordinary dinner...well it should...as real and true love inspires, cares, creates and recreates...

What are we...especially single people...if it were not for memories...of yesteryear...and if your life is anything like mine...you have quite a few memories in which to smile about...don't get me wrong I have memories that I try not to think about...you could tell those times, the vein in my forehead pops right out visibly...lol...

Sometimes we as humans...surprise ourselves and step out of character and do things which we will not ordinarily do...and it surprises not only you but the receiptient(s) for whom it was intended...one such time happened to me on July 31, 2002...a dear friend and love sent me and his close friends this email...

"I must be crazy or really have felt something when I read this. Either way, I've gone against my norm and distributed it to those of you whom I care for."

Around the corner I have a friend,
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before I know it, a year is gone.

And I never see my old friends face,
For life is a swift and terrible race,
He knows I like him just as well,
As in the days when I rang his bell.

And he rang mine, we were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.

"Tomorrow" I say "I will call on Jim"
"Just to show that I'm thinkging of him."
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
And distance between us grows and grows.

Around the corner! - yet miles away,
"Here's a telegram sir" "Jim died today."
And that's what we get and deserve in the end.
Around the corner, a vanished friend.

"Remember to always say what you mean. If you love someone, tell them. Don't be afraid to express yourself. Reach out and tell someone what they mean to you. Because when you decide that it is the right time it might be too late. Seize the day. Never have regrets. And most importantly, stay close to your friends and family, for they have helped make you the person that your are today."

This came as quite a surprise to me and I'm sure to all his other friends listed...as this brother...never expressed his feelings...although you knew deep down he cared...he used his actions to speak for him...he turned the tables on my impression of him...we dated seriously and this was a breakthrough for us in "our time"... I was having serious doubts about moving forward...but just like that...we can revolutionize (as savvy101 told me yesterday) our situations and those of others by stepping out of the box...surprise someone today...tomorrow...or the next...but do something out of the ordinary...EXPRESS YOURSELF


In reality it is valuable,
more powerful than any visible existence.

It separates class, it augments itself,
it’s known for its greed to a race called

It can obtain any form of pleasure,
whether it be human flesh to
destruction of the world
by means of arms.

It is worshiped by those who
have not and wasted by those
who have too much.

Evidence of its popularity,
is shown in every corner of the
world, in any color, shape, or

A necessity maybe,
A friend it is not.
It never lasts for long.

Wonderful, as it may sound,
it saddens my heart for the one
thing it could not get is the love
that I have for --- you.

taken from the thoughts of DA

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


A year ago to the day I received a card…the card read…like this:

I wasn’t prepared to be swept away…
But the gentleness
of your hand in mine,
the passion of your caress,
and the warmth of your embrace
washed over me
and carried me off to places
I never knew existed…but then
I wasn’t prepared to find
someone as incredible as you.

Happy Valentine’s Day

It was sweet and he actually made the effort…that counted for a whole lot back then…it’s just that the words didn’t match the actions but that’s another story…another time…

For me…V-Day is every day with my special someone…all it takes to make someone feel special is attention, consistency and time…spending quality time that is…it’s the little things you do and simple moments you share that one truly appreciates and finds endearing…these moments are like an elixir…the unexpected always elicits a human emotion…happiness, joy…or a warm smile…a hug which we so often do not get…

For instance a card today…a call on the telephone to say your special…or just a hello…a gift once in a while…a simple kiss out of nowhere… a back rub while taking a candle light bath…or the mere touch of his fingers running down your body…

Create and be the master of those special moments 365 days of the year…for if you’re truly in love…you will love doing something special each and every day…for the giving of your heart is not happen chance...the sharing of your love is not trivial…andthe devotion you dedicate your soul to…is…your—Valentine.

Today…Valentine’s Day…February 14 is the day for lovers…where two people in love with each other express and show their appreciation and love for the other in their own unique ways…
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Quote of the Day

"Man is the artificer of his own happiness." - Henry David Thoreau

Monday, February 13, 2006

Monday's Mind

Its tea time…this morning’s choice…Lipton’s lemon and honey…mediation song is Yolanda Adams version of “The Battle is Not Yours it’s the Lord”…

Have you ever wrestled with your mind…when your troubled…it’s like your total being is immerse deep within…internalizing…you lose all sense of time and place…maybe… it’s some issue with a friend…a family member…your significant other…or some medical shit…God forbid…but nonetheless your caught up and it seems that there’s no beacon of light out of this dilemma…this is where I am in this moment…this early morn…right now my spirit is purging and release is beckoning…however confronting this issues of self esteem and insecurity is delicate with this person and I keep asking myself -- How do I do it?…Should I do it this way?…or should I just be the normal blunt brother that I am and let it rip…I’m praying about it …like Yolanda says...This battle is not mine...it's the Lord....

The weekend is over…and I did absolutely nothing other than lazed about and do me…I’m not ashamed …this brother just finished working fourteen days straight…I still feel lazy …but the body is rested and the mind is sharp…I went out with an old acquaintance last Thursday and we got into discussing the days of our lives…so I decided to share with you…a little fodder from my time out…

Why is it that brothers who swing on both sides of the fence think their “game” or for that matter...their sex rules the whenever…why do we give them so much power and get caught up in their world…and not ours…

He knock on the door…I let him in clad in a work shirt and white bikini briefs…he steps inside the door just enough for me to close it and wham!... just as the door closes he roughly pushes me up against the door with such force …with his hand cupping my neck …he teasingly and fervently grazes my mouth with his lips…challenging me intently with his stare…while his other hand was ripping off the buttons of my work shirt I just put on for work…I could smell his manly scent and feel his erratic breaths on my skin…I could sense the thrill of the unknown, the unexpectedness of this moment…I was hot and hard…

He had no right coming up in here at six in the morning when I’m trying to get dressed and out of here for work…he no right calling me at 1:30 am talking shit like he was King Tut…questioning my whereabouts like he’s master of this plantation…why did I take this shit…now I know you guys are thinking right now...why did you opened up the door...yes he was phine…tall, dark and deathly handsome with a body so cut he could draw blood as he sexed you…

I was delirious…my mind was racing way ahead of me and my body was responding to his touch…it was so wrong…but it felt so good…he slipped his hand in my briefs and massaged my tool and then with both of his hands he squeezed my cup cakes while still challenging me with his eyes…he found my pleasure principle and as he inserted his finger sharply upward…I gulped and he kissed me passionately and hungrily…like he’s never done before…as his rule is he only kisses women…he tasted so good…

It’s hard enough finding a man --- a good one at that --- gay or straight…and after so many times at bat…I had practically given up… it had been more than awhile…until that day in Publix at the cross section of Highway 78 and Killigan Road…in aisle ten…ten became the number my pleasure principle would get accustomed too…the packaging was right…intelligent, witty, rough, professional...the only down side…bisexual with conditions that didn’t come with comprise…either take or leave it…I saw all the red flags and simple, neglected me took it…I craved in the grocery...got fed from the grocery...got abused in my home...and robbed myself...
Where art thou..."my"... self esteem?

I called in sick that day…

Is about that time now…I have to say…chat to you guys later…as this brother has to go to work…as there’s no one knocking on my door…LOL!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

We Need Each Other

In meditating on this blessed day...the Lord's day... I'm listening to Hezekiah Walker & Love Fellowship "I Need You To Survive" and consiously I was reminded how I'm grateful to have friends, family and just everyday people....somewhere, somehow or someday if you haven't already.... must realize whether you like it or not ... that we need each other to survive... embrace this thought this day...no matter what race, creed, orientation and the like...people are beautiful and one of the rarest creations of this earth... even though we sometimes refused individually to get along... we must constantly remind ourselves we need each other... let's try daily to cultivate an inner spirit to get along...

The first stanza of the song consists of these simple yet powerful words:

I need you,
You need me.
We're all apart of God's body
Stand with me,
Agree with me.
We're all apart of God's body

Enjoy your day...Enjoy YOU!

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Married Man

Yesterday...I was musing about marriage...with a hypothetical about real truth in a marriage...Today I offer my final insertion on the topic in the form of some weekend reading from the pages of my yet to be published book....the unedited version....that is...

He was my first experience in a relationship and the man that took my virginity. The love I had for him was deeply rooted and real. We lasted four years. Three and half of those years were blissful and I seemed to thrive and hang on his every word not to mention other things. He was everything I read about, heard about and dreamt about. Ron was well off financially, handsome, debonair and a man with a slow hand when it came to bedroom business. He had a house in Inglewood, a cabin in the mountains of San Bernardino, a corvette, BMW and a Volkswagen beetle of all things. I was young then plus a transient lover who visited every three months and stayed for two weeks at a time. For me it could not get any better. Ron always had a surprise or two up his sleeve every time I arrived. I really loved our long drives along the coast especially Malibu. He was not much on going out to dinner but he sure could cook and would fix me wonderful meals. He never allowed the live-in housekeeper to fix dinner for me only breakfast and lunch. She was an elderly Hispanic lady named Rita, quiet and unassuming and if it wasn’t for her uniform you would never know she was in the house. She seemed to do everything without being seen.

The two-storey column beautifully landscaped house in Inglewood had all the amenities one could imagine. A tennis court, a gym room, an L-shaped pool and an air condition pool house with a round marble and cherry wood bar that seated twelve. I had my own set of keys for the house to come and go as I please. He was a very secure man, a knowing man and the confidence and take charge attitude he possessed really excited me beyond measure. Ron did not like me flirting. By the nature of how I am flirting is a natural when cute guys come on to me. It’s not intentional however sometimes I would do it if we’re out in a bar. This would drive his patience thin and believe me all the anxiety that accumulated surely paid off as his take charge you belong to me rough attitude would kick in and the sex would be off the chain those time when we got home or on the way home. Ron never pressured into moving to Los Angeles with him although he made the offer but at the time I was not comfortable with who I was and truly insecure about leaving the nest in the islands. I was in love and it was sickening to my friends that I talked about him so much and would travel all the time to be with him. Ron taught me many lessons about being in a gay relationship. My day would soon arrive when the truth killed my spirit and tore my heart in pieces.

Coming off the tail end of business social in London, Ron surprised me and we spent two glorious days doing the tourist rounds, taking the Hoover across the channel and later that night we made an appearance at the theatre to see Man of LaMancha. It was great in fact just being with him was great. We flew back to New York together where we parted to go our separate ways, Ron to Los Angeles and me back to Nassau. I called work while waiting in transit in the transit lounge only to find out that the next day, Friday and the following Monday was a holiday. So I made up my mind right there and then that I would go to Los Angeles and surprise Ron for the weekend. I made use of the American Express and booked myself on the red eye.

When I arrived the next morning I took a taxi directly to the house without using the livery service where Ron had an account. To my recollection Ron leaves for work by 6 am so I knew I would have the house to myself besides the housekeeper. I already made up in my mind that I would cook dinner, and we would have a candle light dinner by the French sliding doors that overlooked the pool. On my list as well was to buy some flowers so I could use the petals like the movie “Coming to America” and leave a trail straight up the stairway to the bedroom. It was to be a special surprise and night when he got home from work or from whatever it is he does for I truly didn’t know. In all the time I knew him, he never elaborated about his work. All I really knew was that he lived a comfortable lifestyle with a never ending stream of perks.

As I entered the house I could tell there was a different aura about the place. There were fresh flowers everywhere and somehow the house seemed bright and inviting with the main foyer drapes drawn and the intercom system pumping out instrumentals from the great composer Beethoven instead of the usual quietness and dreariness that usually greeted me. I rested my overnight bag down at the bottom of cherry wood stairwell and called out for Rita. She did not answer so I proceeded to the kitchen to get me a drink of water only to find a middle age woman dressed impeccably in a Chanel ensemble with her hair in a French bun sitting down going through the mail. For a minute our eyes connected and both of us just looked at each other not knowing what to think. After the initial element of surprise died away intrigue got the better of both of us. She looked up and politely asked who I was, how I got in and what purpose I had in the house before she decides to call the police.

I sized up this rich looking heffa questioning me in my man’s house. If anyone was to be asking the questions it should be me and so I turned it around and asked who she was after letting her see I had keys to the house. When she stood up I noticed miss thing was wearing some Gucci stilettos to compliment her outfit. She walked over closer to where I was and told me that she’s Mrs. Eloise Griffin, wife of Ron Griffin. Now you could imagine the décor of my face and the thoughts that were jumbled up in my head. She obviously saw that something was wrong and I looked confused and startled for a bit so she invited me to sit down.

“Are you presently married to Ron,” I asked.

“Yes,” she replied.

Eloise went on to informed me that they’ve been happily married for twenty-five years and have two sons, one twenty-three and one eighteen. One could tell I was not digesting this well. I was sitting there hearing her telling me about their marriage but not concentrating on really anything she said sitting there. My mind was screaming what the hell was going on here. He had a son almost as old as me. Ron neglected to tell me about this small but obviously on his part not so important point. Eloise looked at me and asked again rather agitated this time who was I and what was I doing there. I had just sat there in my own world with the blood pumping through my body in a rush and one could see a flush vein running down the center of my forehead.

I collected my thoughts and quite calmly told her that I was her husband’s lover and companion for the last three and half years and that I was given permission to stay here anytime I so chose. I never knew he was married and had kids. I ended by letting her know that I was in love with him. Her demeanor changed rather quickly and her facial contours changed when she let out a sharp scream that brought Rita rushing into the kitchen to see what was going on. Rita’s mouth fell wide open and both her hands were holding her shaking head when she realized that both of us were in the same place at the same time. Rita started speaking Spanish rather rapidly making the sign of the cross. Eloise got up and started pacing the floor up and down for a minute as if to collect her thoughts.
She picked up the Lalique crystal vase and threw it with such force it shattered upon contact on the red bricks of the fireplace; fortunately it was not in my direction.

It took a minute for the Diva to realize she was not alone in her distress and like the great Norma Desmond, Eloise regained her composure, looked in my direction and apologized for the outburst and as if all was well picked up the telephone receiver resting on the a set of cherry wood nesting tables adorned with photos of famous black leaders and called her husband. I was amazed at the loving tone she shared with him with spurts of laughter occasionally as she invited him home for lunch by the pool. She told him she had a surprise for him and other tidbits of household information then ended the conversation letting him know that she loved him very much.

She then turned to Rita speaking fluent Spanish giving directions of what to fix for lunch before dismissing her to her duties. Miss Eloise surely took over and it was my time as she came over took my and leaded me over to the love seat where she told me she would like to start over and then she properly introduced herself with a tone as if we were friends meeting for the first. She deserved an Academy Award for best actress in a drama series.

Eloise return to normalcy actually eased my uncertainty and fears. I told her about my serious and committed affair with her husband and reiterated that I too was in love with him. It was then that I found out that she never actually came to this house in the city as this house was only used by her husband while he worked in the city. She was here today to surprise him as she could not go to London with him. It was good that I neglected to tell her I spent a wonderful time in London with her Ron. She went on to say that she never had any reason to worry about any infidelities by her husband as he always treated her and their two boys well in addition to providing for them. As a matter of fact, she never once suspected that he would ever deceive their marriage. Yes, she was upset and knew in the back of her mind that this was a possibility, him cheating that is but with a man. A woman she could compete with but a man she couldn’t even begin to fathom this scenario.

Apparently, Ron comes from old money, lots of it handed down through generations. His predecessors struck it rich in the early 1900’s and invested their monies in the stock market which eventually tripled their investments and Ron was now following the family tradition in investing in companies plus owning three oil consulting companies in three different parts of the world. Hence his trip to London was not just for me as I thought. Isn’t life beautiful when the trim and the wife let civility rule the day? I felt sorry for her really but at the same time I admired her character. Eloise quite charmingly charmed me so much so that when she dismissed me I didn’t even realize it. She told me I could use the guest room to collect my thoughts and freshen up as lunch will be served at 12 pm. Here I thought, this was my domain but obviously she was directly letting me know as far as she was concern this house belongs to her husband which in turn obviously belongs to her and it is her that dishes out instructions in her house.

I retreated not to the room which Ron and I shared but to the guest quarters located just south of the pool area off from the main house. Life’s surely is a bitch. This so called relationship was ear marked with movie rights all over it. Not only had my heart been torn apart, I learnt a valuable lesson all that glitters is not gold. I unpacked, took a shower and relaxed naked on the bed thinking so much that I didn’t realized I drifted off to sleep, too much excitement for the morning. The phone rang and it was Rita on the line telling me lunch would be served in fifteen minutes.

By the time I walked around the pool nearest to the deck where lunch was served, Ron and Eloise were already seated with Ron’s back to me. Eloise saw me coming and took the opportunity to invite Ron to turn around and see his surprise and from the look on Ron’s face he was definitely caught off guard for a split second. This was a first for me seeing Ron not exuding that manly confidence that excited me so.

He pushed his chair back, got up and without a beat pulled my chair out, smiled while attempting to hug me but I shrugged away and said welcome. Even in his darkest hour he was still sweet old Ron. Eloise dressed immaculately in a white lounge pants suit accessorized with a string of what looked like Mikimoto pearls and white sling backs just smiled taking it all in. Ron is a man not to be outdone by anybody, he gets what he wants when he wants it and will not be denied. Needless to say the electricity in the immediate was hot and tense at least from my estimation.

His wife calmly relays the events of the morning to him before Rita served the garden salad staring intently into Ron’s eyes for any reactions. Ron listened looking at me intermittently, still smiling which I must say nerved me to no end. At the end of Eloise recital, she pushed her chair backed and crossed her legs left to right and asked Ron if there’s a need for me to stay until the end of lunch because as far as she’s concerned she’s willing to forgive this indiscretion but he must send me packing. She then looks at me and tells me that she doesn’t mean any disrespect but I did come into her marriage all the same and I could now quietly go away as she has no plans of leaving her husband at least not under these circumstances. I was welling up inside and besides I’ve been a good island boy, quiet and not being vengeful but I was not going to sit down and take shit from her. At this point I had had enough of her antics and now it was time for me to be a star. As I began to speak have my say to both of them, Ron raised his hand, turned so that he could faced both of us and laid his cards on the table in a baritone Barry White would be proud of.

Without raising his voice in a demeanor of a man that knows his status in life and his desires Ron looked at Eloise and said to her he wished not to discuss this matter, now or later as this situation is what it is and he has no intentions what-so-ever in leaving me. Then he looked at me and said he was sorry for deceiving me, but he loves me and he loves Eloise. The choice now is up to me whether or not I wish to continue our relationship, although I must know he has no intentions on leaving his wife and boys. He got up before the entrée was served, told Eloise she should return to their house in Pasadena and bided both of us good-bye as he had a meeting to go to. He took a few strides then turned around and said that he hopes that he meets me here when he returns and as far as he was concerned nothing has changed. Now that man is a man’s man with plenty balls. He left both of us in a stupor. I was in a moment of complete amazement.

Eloise stood up gazed at me with contempt it seemed but then again with her one never knows what her mind thinks as her face can be so void of emotion. She told me quite blankly that our paths will never cross again and this would be her last time at this house. Eloise went on to let me know that if I had any obscured schemes on how to get rid of her, I should think again because the retaliated fury she will unleashed would hit me blindsided. She then quite casually asked for my telephone number in case there should ever be a need to get in contact with me shook my hands and said it was a pleasure meeting me and left. I had lunch all to myself.

While eating lunch it struck me cold in the face that black people do not carry on this way. I was ready for the beat down, hands flaying all about, cutting words and expletives eating at your very soul but instead I was introduced to the life of where pedigree certainly had it place among the rich and famous and where money and power mixed with the supposed expression of love dictated tolerance. An uncanny feeling came over me as if I was part of script so commonly experienced and my feelings were mine and mine alone that had no bearing or appreciation to those that matter. My relayed reaction of fury was coming to the forefront of my awareness and that was not good. Young and deliriously stupid got grown up pretty fast.

After lunch when Rita was clearing the table I asked her to bring me a few beers. She did and that was the last time I saw her that day. I lazed around the pool drinking for a bit then I stripped down all my clothes leaving only my bikini briefs on while I soaked up the sun after doing a few laps in the pool.

I fell asleep underneath the huge white umbrella and was awakened out of my slumber by an unknown touch wiping my eyebrows. When I opened my eyes, Ron stood leaning over me with the most entreating and warmest of smiles. It was so easy to get caught up in his aura and arms. He planted a kiss on my forehead and took my hand and helped me up where he kissed me. I do not know if it was the beers or it was the insatiable feeling of being arouse by this man as he took me in his arms and started caressing my body with his strong hands and playing teasing my nipples with his tongue. Subconsciously my mind was telling me to make him stop as there was some unfinished business I had to take care of but the body has a mind of its own especially when it needs what it needs. He eased my briefs off as I stood there completely naked while he was fully clothed. He stopped me from taking off his clothes. He was completely dressed in a pint strip light weight wool suit with one of those power ties and Stacey Adams shoes. He continued to devour my body and his mouth rested on my left nipple as he bit into it drawing a sigh from me and his right hand squeezed by right nipple. He moved his left hand down the center of my back until he got to my ass and drew me closer to him in a swift movement and inserted his finger. The sensation of all these feelings he was arousing in me had my phallus rock hard and a wanton desire took over me. I could feel his dick pulsating through the wool and my attempts at massaging it through the pants was stopped. Ron told me to relax and enjoy he will do all the touching. I had to have him right there at this moment on chaise lounge. Like I said it was my desire, nothing to do with him. Ron stopped what he was doing, my mind was not a mind it was oblivious mush and he took me in the heat of the day to the French sliding doors and leaned me up against them with my back towards him while he unbuttoned his trouser sipper and let his cock massage the crack of my ass. He kissed all over my neck and back while his hands continually ran up and down rather strongly tugging and massaging my nipples and stroking my dick. He began to breathe heavily and with his right hand use his fingers to prep my ass while sliding them one, two or three at a time in opening me up. Ron could take it no longer when with one thrust he entered me fiercely as I ended up on my toes with that sudden intrusion. I tried to push him off with my hands but he took both of them and pinned them over my head while he used his stroke mastering of satisfying my wanton desire. I was sweating from the tension and heat of the day and I could the wool as it rub against my body. He kept pumping faster and faster and I used my hands to satisfy the thirst of my phallus. We came at the same time and as he withdrew he turned me around and kissed me passionately and with determination whispering he loved me. He sipped his pants and led me to the master bath where we took a shower together. That night we went to dinner and we never discussed what happened that day. I was in love. Since then I tried bringing up the topic but Ron would counter with one question wanting to know if I was happy being with him. Of course I was happy but that did not mean I was fine with the situation.

Time has a way of rectifying situations and six months later I could not take the imposed boundaries of our relationship any more especially after meeting his oldest son in New York at his graduation party. Eloise avoided me like the plague not before telling me that my making an appearance at the party was quite inappropriate. That night in our hotel room at the Ritz Carlton I told Ron that it was over and the reason why I felt the way I did. He made no fuss and he did not even bother to ask why. All he said was to come to bed, he held me and said he loved me and that whatever I had to do--do it.

I left for home the next day.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Twisted Truth

Marriage is a choice…ultimately faithfulness plays an integral role in the selection of this choice. Now for all intended purposes….being unfaithful in a marriage is also an individual choice…The unfaithfulness scenario takes personal truth to the vows of commitment to another level.

Let’s complicate the marriage thing and let’s say the individual is not only married but bisexual -- has feelings of sleeping with the same gender, acted upon those feelings – and now sleeps with both sexes in addition to his wife. Is this man bad news or what? There are a few issues going on here…but we’ll leave them alone for now….two of the seven deadly sins of man…pride and selfishness comes to mind right now….moving on….

His affinity is greater for same gender loving…one night he stepped out of his comfort zone as his hormones were raging pass horny for his usual dose …he got tired of cruising the streets at night on the sneak while his wife thinks he’s at work…in search of the night crawlers...hence he patronized midweek the local boy hole in the wall…had a few drinks…chatted with a professional manly man not those little club boys that he usually have…they hit it off… you know… that feeling where boy likes boy…truth was never asked nor offered…just a booty call…one problem though…professional rocked his world on a one night stand…and he was hooked…like a Love Jones…

Back to the loving unsuspecting wife…who cares for three children and a home not knowing that she’s being deprived of the true love that initially got her married…hmmm…sex is great she tells her friends and life for her could be no better…

He pursues the professional man…but the professional man would not have anything to do with him post booty call…. Hooray for him but as the truth became known….Mr. One Night Stand was Mr. Married…over time though professional man eventually let down that wall of resistance to his repeated calls, flowers, drop bys and sugar laced tongue with words of undeniable attraction and love for him…and you know when a man’s underwear and personals are in your apartment…suffice it to say a relationship ensued… the truth now was twisted to fit their definition….and the real truth was lurking in the shadows awaiting to explode…

My muse for the day is dating a married man or being in a serious relationship with one…would you? Let me know...the story evolves and continues....

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Come What May....

Come what may..this day...inspite of tribulations....my destiny.
For "I" am blessed and so are "You".
I pray for you...no matter what...on this day.
Lay down your battle, revive your spirit...
For come what may...
This life is yours...so do you...for I will do me...

A love may come, a love may depart
But God will always be there for you.
Share you...give you...be you...experience you
So come what may....

Breathe in...taste it...inhale it,
it belongs to you...
So come what may...

taken from the early morn mediations of DA

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Moment of Tears

My walls of Jericho
came tumbling down.
It was over.

The glass was shattered discreetly,
yet -- so abrupt.

I felt no pain only lonliness.
The mind was disturbed, reflections reminiscent.
From this moment on, there would be --
only memories.

This was no dream.
This was reality.
She would be no more.
I cried.

taken from the thoughts of DA

I wrote this poem some eleven years ago on the passing of my grandmother at the age of 78. After reading fellow blogsphere brothers blogs on the life and times of Mrs. King and her funeral --- check out www.savvy101.blogspot.com and www.professorgq.blogspot.com --- it hit me that Mrs. King died at the same tender age and I flipped through my archives to find this poem....just as I dedicated it to my grandmother...I dedicate this poem, this day to Mrs. King...as well...they were both pillars of strengths in their own times...

"May the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace"

Monday, February 06, 2006

The Business Card

Our paths crossed in 1985 in a room mushroomed with beautiful people with music blaring and neon lights flashing. I strolled over by the pool table that was positioned near a stretch of French doors overlooking the main black and white checkered dance floor where the inhabitants of that square footage seemed crazed like animals in a zoo. He was leaning over about to connect with the white ball and then suddenly he stood up without shooting, lifted his high ball tumbler, took a swig of his drink then wet his full lips with his tongue as if savoring the contents. That movement, his movements was just so damn sexy. Simultaneously, at that same time our eyes connected for a second as the other second was dedicated to the gold band on his finger. He sank the eighth ball and won the game.

I watched him, eavesdropping even. He was married, happily it seemed and very smooth with his game. His words were like sugar, sweet on the palette dripping with all the right come-on lines. I kept telling myself he was married but the stature of this man was everything manly the mind could conceive after having four libations of house wine. My senses were alert my body aching. In a matter of minutes this beautiful sister with a body that Coco-Cola fashioned its bottled after was putty in his aura but his eyes was like a cheetah canvassing yet still. I sense a longing for something extra other than his now conquest.

I placed a quarter on the wood paneling of the pool table and stood off in the direction of the yellow beam of light that encompassed the hallway and waited my turn. It would be a long time for my turn but at least I gave myself a reason to hang around to observed this appetizing vision and conjure up illicit images of romping in my mind. He was quite skillful with a pool stick and the force of his thrust on the white ball drilled the playing balls with precision. She sat in a high chair and just watched, sometimes lightly touching him as if to congratulate him. I’ll bet she was having the same thoughts I was and by the way her legs were crossed she had the same moistness I was experiencing.

He passed me in the hallway on his way to the restroom and once again our eyes connected but this time he stopped, said hello and introduced himself. His hand shake was firm and long...way too long for just meeting someone. We exchanged business cards and he dismissed himself to find relief from all the drinks. On his return he passed me without giving me a glance and return to his conquest. I left the disco, defeated, moist and buzzed.

Fifteen years later we meet again at a dinner party but this time there was no ring. He still looked fine with age, distinguished even. At the end of the dinner party .... we left together....for an after dinner drink. Funny thing though, I still had his business card.

Monday Blues

My busy bee weekend is over and it was great....on all fronts....I learnt a little, did a little, flirted a little, partied a little, argued a little, did a two hour interview with a major retailer out of Texas and still worked Saturday and Sunday. Even after all that...my special someone called...to say hello...taking me off guard...but making me feel real good in the pm...Lexus Decatur capped off and made my weekend complete...it sometimes amazes me how inspiring a telephone call can be...

That inspiration translated into pure energy enabling me to rise on this good day...the start of yet another week....to charter the unknown and experience my destiny..

In comtemplation so early in the am...reflecting on the weekend but at the same adding to this week...things to do list...a certain "melancholiness" anchored my heart (that's another story saved for another time) and I had to take a minute to rationalize and then find that beacon back to me...happy, carefree but focused....as I didn't want this Monday to begin with the blues...

Friday, February 03, 2006

The Weekender...

It's Friday...and I'm alive...thank God I'm alive...the air is crisp and clean with a slight breeze this am...sipping my tea...doing my me time and sharing whatever with you...The weekend kicks off today...and it's going to be a busy one...between work, a dinner party, an interview, a super bowl gathering...and not to forget the routine-run-a-round stuff of the weekend...

Cousin is so excited as his special interest is in town to help celebrate his birthday and their first anniversary....I'm sooooo happy for him...he deserves what love has to offer....Cali flew in as well (we call him "cousin's sweetheart") ...lol...they're just good friends...but we couldn't resist...cause it's always...Cali this and Cali that.....

Well blogsphere...it's my time to get up and go and do me .... brotha has to make the paper...so I leave with a poem....The Search....for the weekend....Lexus Decatur know that the thought of you offers hope inspite of....my shortcomings....

The Search

Where do I find...the love that awaits,
the tender moments that abides,
the candle lights that resonates hope.

I seek -- but do not find.
I find what I thought I sought.
In a frivilous world, my continual path,
remains trial and error.
I hestitate....and oftentimes neglect.
As infectiousness remains my every terror.

Where do I find...
existence in me..with you.

Copyright ©2006 DA

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Off on a Tangent

They say when one door closes another or maybe two doors open….I believe that saying in every sense…it just recently happened to me….professionally and personally….but then again…there’s this saying also….that time waits for no man….It’s not right to jump from one relationship into another….one has to give time for emotional healing….time to let the water cleanse and rejuvenate the soul….and time to redirect the focus on you and your future…

I choose to allow the within to heal while the windows to my soul are shut tight.... so the darkness of those memories that linger can subside and be put to rest…but at the same time in my recovery….the mystery of the sun attempts to shine threw and thwart my consternation and without any regard throw open the windows to my soul and let life seep in….

It’s strange.…this mystery called life….when we think we have control…we don’t really-- completely.…yet life is continual and some aspects of control and be pondered and questioned….but where are we still, what do we want? ….or is it.…what do we need?

We are blessed with three gifts…faith, hope and love…and the greatest of these is …love. I have faith that I will find mutual love….I live with hope that love will come.…and once again.…I will love one day with an unconditional love that endures through the darkness into the light….and that day will witness my eyes flicker with joy….

History Lesson

One of my Canadian friends today tried to test my knowledge base when it comes to history. Suffice it to say, I failed miserably…so instead of testing you guys…I decided to share this tidbit of history with all of you…maybe I should send this to all the Catholic priests I know…yes that’s what I’ll do….and I do know a few!

Year 1981
1. Prince Charles got married
2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe
3. Australia lost the Ashes tournament.
4. Pope Died

Year 2005
1. Prince Charles got married
2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe
3. Australia lost the Ashes tournament
4. Pope Died

Lesson Learned?
The next time Charles gets married, someone should warn the Pope.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

No order...just random thoughts...

A new day, the start of a new month, in a new year and I'm just so grateful--so happy to be able to open my eyes and savor the beauty that surrounds me. Do you taste it when you get up and take that first recognize breath....and see the things familiar to you in that space at that time....do you realize it's just not another day...it's a brand new day for discovery of you and others and things. Say hello and say thanks to this day....I'm having my quiet time now drinking honey & lemon tea ... trying to figure out what to expound upon today.

I write notes on anything I can put my hands on...especially when a thought enters my mind....and it just so happens I was curious to know what I did this time last year...so I pulled out last year's daily dairy....and there was no entry....at all for this day...I thought it strange...but then I paged through the pages and read some entries for this month and SLAM! it hit me hard in the face...the break up with six degrees had already begun unbeknown to the reality me at the time but according to my notes I could see clearly now -- the signs of mistrust, jealousy and non communication of dialogue on issues. How could we sometimes be so blinded by love and not trust our natural instincts? Clarity breeds understanding....and...I lost on both counts....because in the end....familiarity breeded contempt...

Last night I arranged a 12 person dinner party for Saturday for my Cousin at one of the best restaurants here in paradise....Cafe Matisse...the ambience is subdued yet elegant for this two storey edifce filled with French and island art(it's actually an old house-with a courtyard so you know it was one of those rich aristocracts from the colonial days) but the service is impeccable....the place is just inudated with good looking men as man servants picked exclusively to wait on you...women flock the placed..and men too....with alterior motives... LOL...so you know it's going to be a treat...

Today and all this month I plan to start writing a page a day for my first book...procrastination has been my daily regiment and friend in this regard....so I decided to throw it out the door and get with it...I'm having a drink of water now...and this simple act reminds me to check the new "water" blog for his latest entries....it's a really kewl blog and all that youthfulness inspires a brotha...

Coretta Scott King died yesterday.... a tower of strength in spite of her trials and tribulations....and I most believe a piece of my good histronic friend "savvy101" died with her. I feel for him....but it's going to be alright....her legacy is and will forever be documented and her immortal soul will be forever young in the hearts and minds of centuries to come....