Tuesday, February 14, 2006


A year ago to the day I received a card…the card read…like this:

I wasn’t prepared to be swept away…
But the gentleness
of your hand in mine,
the passion of your caress,
and the warmth of your embrace
washed over me
and carried me off to places
I never knew existed…but then
I wasn’t prepared to find
someone as incredible as you.

Happy Valentine’s Day

It was sweet and he actually made the effort…that counted for a whole lot back then…it’s just that the words didn’t match the actions but that’s another story…another time…

For me…V-Day is every day with my special someone…all it takes to make someone feel special is attention, consistency and time…spending quality time that is…it’s the little things you do and simple moments you share that one truly appreciates and finds endearing…these moments are like an elixir…the unexpected always elicits a human emotion…happiness, joy…or a warm smile…a hug which we so often do not get…

For instance a card today…a call on the telephone to say your special…or just a hello…a gift once in a while…a simple kiss out of nowhere… a back rub while taking a candle light bath…or the mere touch of his fingers running down your body…

Create and be the master of those special moments 365 days of the year…for if you’re truly in love…you will love doing something special each and every day…for the giving of your heart is not happen chance...the sharing of your love is not trivial…andthe devotion you dedicate your soul to…is…your—Valentine.

Today…Valentine’s Day…February 14 is the day for lovers…where two people in love with each other express and show their appreciation and love for the other in their own unique ways…
Happy Valentine’s Day!


Blogger antneya said...

I really liked this one..I feel the same way.

11:35 AM  

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