Sunday, August 02, 2009

Flirting - Is it a Crime?

He touched me with the intent of his eyes. The smile was warm making me fuzzy inside. The words he uttered filled my consciousness leaving me with a feeling so longed for but yet allusive. My other half was across the room but “he” was in front of me admiring playfully and I stood there transfixed like a newbie wanting more of this tall glass of water tipping the scales with definitive musculature on his six foot three frame.

I flirted with my body language as the exchange between us was brief but the intent at that moment was mutual. My partner must have notice the exchanged as he appeared by my side out of the blue. The mystery politely excused him with the offer of retrieving a drink for which partner thanked him by stating he will handle the honors.

The argument commenced….

Did I do something wrong?

Are there any noteworthy flirting stories…let us know?


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