Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A Sad Day and A New Day

Yesterday was a sad day...a family friend...my godbrother...who I grew up with...playing ball...tossling around...enjoying our kid days...was gunned down outside a bank while trying to make a deposit... shot twice in the back...at 11:30 am...And astute businessman...with three successful businesses...He was an upwardly mobile, progessive and forward thinking, damn good looking brother...with a wife and kids...three of whom are away in college...

The screams yesterday...the tears...the sadness of death...spilled forth like a cup runneth over...my emotions varied from hot to cold...I was numb at one point...Oh this life...how fragile it is...and we waste time disparaging others...with feelings of envy...instead of living our lives to the fullest...enjoying what "we" have...the person (s) that shot him...didn't just take him...they took away a father, brother, son, nephew, cousin, godfather and a friend...

"Joy cometh in the morning" --today, is a new day...a day in which I try to find solace within and not hate...it's a challenge right now as I seek joy in this am listening to "Now Behold the Lamb...the Precious Lamb of God" I'm just sitting here thinking this may be my last time writing for destiny and fate time limit orders come from above...my brothers and sisters in blogsphere ...lets work on building positive personal characters and not let others define who "we" are...live life and bring others along whom you can help...discover the joy of just waking up in the morning and taking that first realized breath... create your moments...and not let your moments create you...

"In attempts to improve your character, know what is in your power and what is beyond it." - Francis Thompson


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