Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Still Sin...

It's another morning...I'm privilege to share with blogsphere...and Smokey Norful "I Need You" is playing on the CD...I really can not decide what to write I'm sitting here just mediating about this and that (includes thoughts of Lexus Decatur)...I'm's a good thought for a very special person...while listening to this powerful and blessed display of talent telling me to heed the master as "we" and "I" need him...and the thought of "sin" came to me...It amazes me how "we" equate sin as a people...even thought for the most part we know or should know by now...that sin is sin...period...sin has no preference for creed, race, color...or profession!

I was reading MrRrofessorGQ's blog last night...and it was quite interesting the different views on Mr. Walker's ... walk with God and being true to his feelings and him...I too have my take but you know it's not important...what's important is that we are all fallible and our moment in time when we're humbled before all and sundry cometh... if not already...and what actions do we expect from people...It's a difficult time for him and his let's just pray that God can intervene and heal some wounds.

Another thought came to mind...having an affair/fling with a priest/ it wrong...are there boundaries for love...I'm guilty of that transgression then...if you deemed it wrong to do so...I've touched more than the hem of his garment...and I make no apology for it...I think it's how we equate "the man" or how we equate "his position or station in life"...after my first time with the so called forbidden fruit...I wrote this words...titled "Sin":

It is hard to decipher
between want and desire.
So, is it between a red apple
and a green one.
Lust has no conscience.
Sexuality has no breed.
Fulfillness has but one opportunity,
when the apple appears edible.
The grey matter swirls---the fever rises.
We climb mountains then grasp for breath.
A brief repose, the appetite atoned for.
The apple is still there---but---
only this time,

taken from the thoughts of DA

Fear...because I had doubts....not about what happened...about what my friends called perceived boundaries...there are people you date and then again...there are people that are off limits...and priests/pastors are of the latter...It took me awhile before I came to grips about what "my" decision or take was on the situation...I chose to equate each man as a man and on those merits only...selfish you may say...but that's me...not you...I dated up dating another pastor in the ATL for a spell...

“Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson


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