The Mourning...
Today, we bury a son of the soil, a father, a brother, a cousin and friend...although today is sad for many...I've come to grips with sadness for it seems the older I get the more demises I see...and each time it hits me just as hard...I think about "my time" all the time now...and I've come to accept the I strive each and every day to make my life count even more so...plant a seed in someone today to enrich their lives, help a brother or sister to achieve....educate someone about life as you a mentor --- be a good friend...most of all be of good cheer and do good deeds.
After all, we are who we are...and our characters reflect that...
Every moment of my life
I yearned to be perfect in peace
--with harmony
As I stroll through life
filled intermittently with strife
I open my soul more
To the beauty of each of you
more so-- than ever before
Tested and tried have become
-- my educators
Scaring me with experiences
Opening inner windows…leaving me stripped
But yet still—
All I have…is nothing
If not for the innocence of my character
Every moment of my life
I yearned to be perfect in peace
--with harmony
Copyright ©2006 DA
"Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live, as well as to think."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
After all, we are who we are...and our characters reflect that...
Every moment of my life
I yearned to be perfect in peace
--with harmony
As I stroll through life
filled intermittently with strife
I open my soul more
To the beauty of each of you
more so-- than ever before
Tested and tried have become
-- my educators
Scaring me with experiences
Opening inner windows…leaving me stripped
But yet still—
All I have…is nothing
If not for the innocence of my character
Every moment of my life
I yearned to be perfect in peace
--with harmony
Copyright ©2006 DA
"Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live, as well as to think."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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