Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Breeze

The slight breeze
sends a coolness to my warmth
easing the burden of today's sun

This same slight breeze
takes me away to another world
of visions untold as stories unfold

On this slight breeze
I feel my essence -- my mojo
as my inherent nature gurgles and rises
sharpening my senses as this breeze
invigorates my soul

I retreat within--and yet
the breeze catches me, swirls around me
softly it plays up with me--teasingly
whispering its notes in my peripheral exterior

Oh breeze, this breeze
soak me with your uniqueness
guide me with your precociousness
and leave me with your strength

Copyright ©2006 DA

"Concentration comes out of a combination of confidence and hunger." - Arnold Palmer


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