Monday, March 20, 2006

Then and Now...Nostalgic Monday

Back in 1969.... Posted by Picasa Now in 2006

After work yesterday .... some old friends were visting the island...and we spent the afternoon together talking about "childish things" back in the day-- of no teeth and wearing underwear all day long --as the mode of dress in and around the house....We spent about two hours going through all the albums I have of my years growing up...My mom was a big Kodak instant picture freak and would take photos at inappropriate moments...There's quite a few photos... lets just say-- that are not for viewing had a great time getting together and sharing...somehow I miss those days of naive ... no teeth... being bad or learning how you always knew you were bad when beatings or reprimands came from anyone, any time any place...mother, father, aunty, neighbor...or grammy!

It's Monday...the start of yet another week of suprises...and then who knows...I feel great and I'm happy to be here to share once again...the thoughts and goings of a regular laid back brotha appreciating you and the things in life...

"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others." - Cicero


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