Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Vent Day...

Have you ever been told that you were an embarrassment to a good friend by the good close friend...the kind of friend that you travel with, introduce to your friends, tell all the "dirty" with, hang out with, know all the things...lovers have no need to know...etc., etc.

Where do I begin...should I begin with all the times he's embarrass me...and I turned a blind eye because he's my friend and to be didn't take any skin off my back...I grew to know when to expect these occassions and how to handle them without hurting his feelings...he's a very volatile individual full of pride...resents people trying to belittle my friends and I have learned that he's him and it's him we like more so than his wordy times

Change is good...and since meeting his present lover...he's done a 360...and you know for me...that's okay...he's deserves love...and one must always do what makes them's none of my business and I should know my boundaries as a friend...and so should he!

"Do not condemn the judgment of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong." - Dandemis


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