Thursday, July 06, 2006

Questions...I dislike

Why is a nice good looking guy like you single?..., Don't you just hate that question...have you ever thought about or come up with an answer for that question...I get that question all the time...and I'm like...being single is choice for's not that... possibile suitors are not out there for just that my destiny hasn't caught up with me in the mean time and between time I do me...

Another one I hate and quite frankly sometimes do not answer..., How long was your last relationship? or How many relationships have you had? ..., In my mind...I'm thinking is this a pre-requisite to dating this person or what...I failed to see the revelance of this question...and how in any way shape or form is this going to play into this scenario...

After one or two dates...some people fall in lust/infactuation...not love...hardly...but there are some that hold claim to that fame..., the getting to know period is never closest friends will tell takes about five years before I consider you a friend...and even then...we're still evolving as true friends..., Dating and getting to know one another increases the chances of a relationship or none at all...this period is undetermined...but if there's a mutual feeling between two people, a connection both physically and mentally...and both of you decide to move will still be on a journey to getting to know each other..."to know me is to live with me"...

"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action." - Frank Tibolt


Blogger Cash S. said...

Does Da Jardin mean "the truth" in Swahili or something, because you are definitely coming with it.

I think people ask the first question just to break the ice and sneak a lil compliment in there. As far as the other two, they either want to see if you're the commitment type or the promiscuous type.

I agree, the getting to you know period is never ending. You won't learn 1/3 of the things about me in a month.

11:12 AM  
Blogger E said...

Cash interpreted the questions intentions the way I would. I hate the 1st question as well.

2:55 PM  

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