Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Durham's Crush

It's been a week to this day I created this blog and suffice it to say I've been negligent in being consistent. For my excuse, the last nine days have been all work and no play with this new contract that I have...but a good friend reminded me that a daily blog is just that --- daily. Kudos to him...for setting me on the right can visit his thought enlighting blog each day at

Now, this good friend and me go way back...I had the largest "B" crush on Durham and was quite smitten by this intelligent, handsome and witty protege to politics and history educator. After his polite email to me today about my blog or the lack thereof...I happened to sift through my many notes and writings and came across an email I sent to him on Friday, September 6, 2002 titled "Just For You". This was just after meeting him for the first time on the Sunday of Pride at Blake's in Atlanta.

Riding in my car going to work this morning back in 2002, my thoughts were of him and I found myself smiling in my car truly gushing like a teenager in love as I remember our parting -- the never ending kiss. So when I arrived at work the inspiration of that smile and moment hit me and I penned these words to him in this email....

Durham's Crush

It was Sunday
the best day of the week
and, this time--love or the vision of it
did not seem bleak.

Dark, smokey and festive
was when it happen
out of nowhere the vision of my dreams
became an elective
to embrace or not to partake.

Authorative, sexy and smiling
encompass the spacious four walls
seemingly making it minute for two.
Piercing eyes opened the windows
to my long lost soul
leaving me refresh and whole.

Confident in stride as a lion preying on its kill
knowing full well he would have his fill.
Taking my breath away for at least four seconds
Vanishes -- leaving me beckoning.

It was Sunday
the best day of the week
and, this time--love or the vision of it
did not seem bleak.

---taken from the Thoughts of DA

This post is dedicated to him...for being him!


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